
Double protein (pork and tofu) with sweet and sour sauce!

  1. tofu cutlet (cut into 8 pieces each) 2 (6.5 oz)
  2. thinly sliced pork loin or belly (cut into bite sized pieces, then marinate with 1 tsp soy sauce/1 tsp potato starch/1 tsp sake) 100 g
  3. red bell pepper (cut into bite sized pieces) 1 medium
  4. yellow or sweet onion (wedges) 1/2 medium
  5. oyster mushrooms (shredded) 100 g
  6. snow peas 5
  7. canola oil 2 tablespoons (divided)
  8. for the sauce:
  9. rice vinegar 2 tablespoons
  10. cane sugar 2 tablespoons
  11. ketchup 2 tablespoons
  12. water 2 tablespoons
  13. soy sauce 4 teaspoons
  14. chicken bouillon powder 1 teaspoon
  15. potato starch 1 tablespoon
  16. water 3 tablespoon
  17. toasted sesame oil 1 tablespoon


  1. 1

    Gather all the ingredients.

  2. 2

    Combine all the sauce ingredients, set aside.

  3. 3

    Prepare potato starch/water mix.Set aside.

  4. 4

    Oil in a large skillet over medium heat.

  5. 5

    Add tofu and cook until all sides are lightly golden.

  6. 6

    Place on a plate, and set aside.

  7. 7

    Add oil and set the heat to medium. Add meat.

  8. 8

    Cook until almost heated through. Add onion/pepper/mushroom.

  9. 9

    Cook until onion gets translucent/pepper is a bright color.

  10. 10

    Put the tofu back in the skillet, stir in the sauce mix/peas

  11. 11

    Bring it to a simmer and cook until evenly coated with sauce

  12. 12

    Add the starch and cook until the sauce gets thicker.

  13. 13

    Drizzle the sesame oil and toss once more. Serve.

コツ・ポイントAdd snow peas when you’re nearly finished cooking for the crunch and the color.


canesugar / canolaoil / chickenbouillonpowder / ketchup / oystermushroomsshredded / potatostarch / redbellpeppercutintobitesizedpieces / ricevinegar / snowpeas / soysauce / thenmarinatewithtspsoysaucetsppotatostarchtspsake / thinlyslicedporkloinorbellycutintobitesizedpieces / toastedsesameoil / tofucutletcutintopieceseach / water / yelloworsweetonionwedges
