
Just throw your favorite ingredients into the pot !!

  1. Chicken breast 2 sheets
  2. onion 8 pieces
  3. carrot 4 bottles
  4. lettuce 1 ball
  5. Shimeji mushroom 1 share
  6. tomato 10 pieces
  7. sliced cheese preference
  8. Consommé soup base Appropriate amount
  9. Chicken stock base Appropriate amount
  10. tomato juice Appropriate amount
  11. Salt and pepper Appropriate amount
  12. water 800cc


  1. 1

    First, cut the ingredients into bite-sized pieces.

  2. 2

    Simmer over high heat for 20 to 30 minutes.

  3. 3

    Finally, adjust the flavor and it’s done!

  4. 4

    Sliced cheese and tomatoes go great together!!

コツ・ポイントUsing tomato juice makes it easier to make final adjustments.


carrot / Chickenbreast / Chickenstockbase / Consommésoupbase / lettuce / onion / Saltandpepper / Shimejimushroom / slicedcheese / tomato / tomatojuice / water
