
Stir fry with a little salty-sweet flavor of a Thai dish!このレシピの生い立ちBaby broccoli is one of our favorite veggies.Shrimp’s pink and broccoli’s green adds some color for your table 🙂

  1. baby broccoli 1 bunch (200 g)
  2. shrimp (peeled and deveined) 5-6 shrimps
  3. garlic (sliced) 2 cloves
  4. roasted peanut oil 1 tablespoon
  5. water 2 tablespoons
  6. For the sauce:
  7. oyster sauce 1 tablespoon
  8. fish sauce 1 teaspoon
  9. light brown sugar 1 teaspoon
  10. sake 1 tablespoon
  11. red chilli flakes one pinch


  1. 1

    Prepare the ingredients!

  2. 2

    Combine all the sauce ingredients, set aside.

  3. 3

    Put oil in a large skillet over medium heat.

  4. 4

    Add shrimp, stem and garlic then cook.

  5. 5

    Once shrimp gets pink, flip it over, then cook.

  6. 6

    Add the rest of the broccoli/water, then cover and cook.

  7. 7

    Cook until the veggies are almost heated through.

  8. 8

    Uncover, stir in sauce and toss well. Serve!

  9. 9

    With fried tofu 🙂

コツ・ポイントThe key step is to keep a nice texture for the broccoli, so don’t over steam andtoss quickly with the sauce!


babybroccoli / fishsauce / garlicsliced / lightbrownsugar / oystersauce / redchilliflakes / roastedpeanutoil / sake / shrimppeeledanddeveined / water
