
クォーンのマイコプロテインを使ってボロネーゼ。ベジタリアンパスタの中でも1、2位を争う!mycoprotein ver.このレシピの生い立ち簡単にボロネーゼが食べたい!でも冷蔵庫に何もない、、。そんな時に役立つレシピ(^ ^)♪

  1. mycoprotein 1/4
  2. mushrooms handful
  3. baby spinach handful
  4. onion 1/2
  5. tomato 1
  6. basil(option) some
  7. ※carrot 1/2
  8. ※celery 1/2-1/4 (depends)
  9. garlic 1-2 cloves
  10. *tomato sause in a tin 1/2
  11. *mix herbs some
  12. *brown sugar some
  13. *chili a bit
  14. *mix spices some
  15. *veggie stock 1 tsp
  16. *tomato sauce(bunder burg) some
  17. *salt pinch
  18. *pepper pinch
  19. ※*tomato paste 1 tin
  20. bio cheese(parmesan) some


  1. 1

    cut mushrooms and onion really small(like dice).

  2. 2

    sauté 1 with olive oil & garlic. add mycoprotein & spinach.

  3. 3

    add some basil leaves (cut like strip)

  4. 4

    mix with all ***.

  5. 5

    pour onto pasta and top on nice bio cheese.(parmesan)

コツ・ポイントall ※※※ are if you have time & energy, you can add!※印はなくても良いけれど、あればより本格的レシピです。


babyspinach / basiloption / biocheeseparmesan / brownsugar / carrot / celery / chili / garlic / mixherbs / mixspices / mushrooms / mycoprotein / onion / pepper / salt / tomato / tomatopaste / tomatosaucebunderburg / tomatosauseinatin / veggiestock
