
Quick prep, good for school, and a HEALTHY lunch burrito!このレシピの生い立ちWhen I prepare my kids’/husband’s lunch, I like to add up healthy protein. Loaded with protein but COLORFUL, isn’t it?

  1. black bean can (rinsed and drained) 1 (15oz)
  2. yellow or Vidalia onion (chopped) 1/2 medium
  3. red bell pepper (chopped) 1/2 medium
  4. extra virgin olive oil 1 tablespoon
  5. kosher salt 1 teaspoon
  6. freshly ground black pepper 1/4 teaspoon
  7. ground cumin 1 teaspoon
  8. frozen corn 1/2 cup
  9. lime juice 1 tablespoon
  10. fresh cilantro (chopped) 1 cup


  1. 1

    Oil in a large pan over medium heat, add onion, cook 1 min.

    • Black bean filling作り方1写真
  2. 2

    Stir in rest of the ingredients except cilantro/lime juice.

    • Black bean filling作り方2写真
  3. 3

    Cook 2-3 minutes until onion becomes translucent.

    • Black bean filling作り方3写真
  4. 4

    Remove from heat, then stir in cilantro and lime juice.

    • Black bean filling作り方4写真

コツ・ポイントIf you aren’t big a fan of cilantro, you can instead use fresh basil or Italianparsley!


blackbeancanrinsedanddrained / extravirginoliveoil / freshcilantrochopped / freshlygroundblackpepper / frozencorn / groundcumin / koshersalt / limejuice / redbellpepperchopped / yelloworVidaliaonionchopped
