
Savory bacon and cheese sauce for a weeknight dinner!このレシピの生い立ちI like to make a go-to pasta with handy ingredients, so I check my fridge and use these ingredients. Came out superb 🙂

  1. spaghetti 400 g
  2. kosher salt for pasta water
  3. thick sliced bacon (chopped) 4 strips (150 g)
  4. extra virgin olive oil 4 tablespoons
  5. shallot (thinly sliced) 1 large
  6. garlic (minced) 4 cloves
  7. kosher salt to taste
  8. freshly ground black pepper to taste
  9. pasta water 1/2 cup
  10. freshly grated parmesan cheese 1/2 cup
  11. fresh Italian parsley (chopped) 1/3 cup


  1. 1

    Gather all the ingredients.

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  2. 2

    Heat a large skillet over medium heat.

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  3. 3

    Add bacon and sauté until the bacon gets lightly browned.

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  4. 4

    Use a paper towel to remove 3/4 of the bacon fat.

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  5. 5

    Meanwhile, bring water to a boil to cook the pasta.

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  6. 6

    Reduce the cooking time by 1 min so we FINSH it in the pan.

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  7. 7

    Add oil and shallots. Cook until shallots are translucent.

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  8. 8

    Add garlic and cook until fragrant.

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  9. 9

    Add pasta water and cook until thickened.

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  10. 10

    Season with salt and pepper, then lower the heat.

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  11. 11

    Add pasta, cheese, and parsley. Toss over medium high heat.

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  12. 12


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コツ・ポイントRemove some of the bacon fat, but leave enough for a savory flavor in the pastasauce.


extravirginoliveoil / freshItalianparsleychopped / freshlygratedparmesancheese / freshlygroundblackpepper / garlicminced / koshersalt / pastawater / shallotthinlysliced / spaghetti / thickslicedbaconchopped
